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Spice up Your Winter — New Holiday Flavors from Goodio

Spice up Your Winter — New Holiday Flavors from Goodio

We are launching two brand new flavours for you to enjoy! The new items are additions to the Love Letter product family for the upcoming Holiday Season. We came up with a combination of traditional Finnish holiday flavours such as gingerbread and mulled wine paired with handmade chocolate.

 -Ever since we started the company we’ve been requested to do Holiday Flavours, finally that time has come. Our Love Letters chocolates are mostly given as a gift to a loved one and we wanted to come up with an alternative that is special to this magical time of the year, points out Goodio’s Sami Nupponen.

Winter Glow– exclusive fine chocolate topped with beautiful mulled wine crystals to make this Holiday Season even more special. Mulled wine crystals are made from crystallized birch sugar and mulled wine spices, such as cardamom, clove and bitter orange.

Gingerbread – we sprinkled the best parts of gingerbread to this fine craft chocolate. Gingrebread is handmade by Goodio and is gluten-free.

Goodio Holiday Flavours are also special because of the roasted cacao used. Roasting the cacao beans softens the taste and the chocolates have a lighter 49% cacao content.

The new products are named for the international consumer.

- We had long debates how to name the products, particularly Winter Glow. As Finnish “glögi” is not that known wordwide we decided to go with something descriptive for the international consumer, says Nupponen.

Goodio’s Holiday Flavours are available in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Germany and United States. In the United States the chocolates are available at Barnes & Noble and selected Whole Foods Market stores. Products are also available through Goodio’s online store.

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