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Greetings from Our Nordic Neighbours

Greetings from Our Nordic Neighbours

During the last two weeks we attended two Nordic design fairs which were held in Stockholm and Oslo. The fairs were great opportunities to finally meet face to face many of our existing B2B-partners as well as present Goodio and our chocolate to potential new clients. And of course it was a pleasure to spend some quality time with our lovely distributors, Beriksson and Oh Yes!

The first trip was to Stockholm where we attended Formex. Our distributor Beriksson had put a lovely display together with all their beautiful products. This was already the second time for Goodio to attend Formex and it was so nice to be back at the fair! This time we launch our limited edition flavor Cranmary which our Finnish retailers and customers are already familiar with. As in Finland, we got excellent feedback from everyone who tasted it but was not a surprise for us, since the chocolate is inspired by the best gin & tonic by Kyrö Distillery and who wouldn’t love that <3

After Formex in Sweden we continued our Nordic adventure to Oslo Design Fair which was the first fair for us in Norway. Annette and Elisabeth from Oh Yes had done some magic and our Goodio booth looked super nice with fresh plants and different kind of displays with our products. Just like in Stockholm, we met potential and existing clients and got really positive feedback on our products. The visitors loved the packaging (no wonder since we were at a design fair) as well as the smooth Goodio flavor. After the trip I found out that on top of the Swedish market I will be responsible also for the sales in the Norwegian market. I am so excited and looking forward to working with Annette and Elisabeth!



Sales Manager, Scandinavia 


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